Beatles 1.2

Free A huge collection of all the Beatles' lyrics with MIDI files
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Software Informer Editor Rating 4 Software Informer Virus Free award
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The Beatles is arguably the most influential rock band in history. They have a huge amount of followers in the world, who tend to collect all their recordings and related products. If you are such a Beatles fan, or if you enjoy reading and singing their lyrics, then you will enjoy this little program. Beatles is a collection of the lyrics of all the songs recorded by the band, both in their official records and in others, more obscure recordings, such as their show in Hamburg, and some special-edition singles. Along with the lyrics, you will find a MIDI file that allows you to sing any of the songs. All this is complemented with interesting information about the song, such as the author(s) and the recording(s) in which it appears. Also, ifo you click on the "Info" button, a window will appear, showing information about the recording, along with a picture of the sleeve. You can sort the songs by its title or by the album that features them, and also you can search a song by its title or by a part of its lyrics. Although it is a very simple program, it should be a part of any Beatles fan collection.

VH Senior editor
Victor Hernandez
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  • Comprehensive


  • Few features



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  • The beatles collection windows 7
  • The beatles download
  • Beatles lyrics program
  • The beatles download software
  • Beatles digital moving screensavers
  • The beatles lyrics collection
  • Picture search software